I'm passionate about giving back to the music community. Part of my CD sales always goes to help others: part of my "learn to sing... better" CD sales goes to the Harmony Foundation, a youth singing program.
Whether you play an instrument or sing, do it with gusto! Life is short and many folks can use the boost you can give them through sharing music... it'll bring others- as well as yourself- a lift in life.
When you sing or play an instrument, "own the song"... perform in a confident manner and do your best. Your performance needn't be complicated... keep it simple enough to do it well.
I started out at age 68 playing a few chords on the ukulele with a group- then- almost by accident- was able to join a barbershop harmony chorus, where my interest and ability in singing blossomed. Soon the singing and playing encouraged me to do more and better things.
On a personal note, I became enamoured with a wonderful lady, and she moved 1,000 miles away... so we now have a complicated (for schedules) relationship, with frequent visits here and there.... and frequent trips for some of our mutual interests.
I have a vivid imagination, and like to try new things, musically. I've written some songs, and like to "make music" on unusual or oddball things... such as kazoo, juice harp, washboard, harmonica, pail bass... even thumping a credit card with a pen or pencil... making it a kind of jaw harp that echos in my mouth. It isn't necessary to spend a lot of money to make music- just have desire and imagination
Although music was always strong in my family... we often sang around the piano while my mother played... or a sister or brother... I am a "late bloomer", starting in earnest at age 68 to learn to play the ukulele after my wife of 46 years passed. As my skills improved, I wanted to learn and do even more... like a snowball rolling downhill, ever-growing.
I find great joy in sharing music and started joining several groups. In one group, I introduced the kazoo (it really IS a musical instrument)... now it is an occational fun interlude in song sets, of the mostly bluegrass-type performances. The audience loves it when we do that.
When a local community recreation district needed a replacement teacher for ukulele, I jumped at the chance... and found that by teaching, not only did I help others ... I learned quite a bit! Soon I also started teaching singing as well, which lead me to creating a CD to help others sing better. A person does not need to be great at something to teach it... but does need to have the knowledge, the training, and the skill set to show others how to perform, to be able pass on knowledge.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
If you REALLY want to sing... BETTER... my "LEARN TO SING...BETTER" CD is a MUST. Especially if you are a beginning, novice, or casual singer... although most experienced singers will pick up some tips as well. The CD is over an hour, priced at $17.95- less than one private half-hour session, and a portion of your investment goes to a youth singing program- the Harmony Foundation. NOTE: The CD
If you like to sing, check this out! You CAN sing better through the secrets of self-coaching... at a small investment, see below, in green. The CD also makes a g r e a t g i f t.
Learn to play the ukulele or harmonica... Click on the Auburn Recreation District link above
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